Blog Post 1

For this first blog post for EDCI 339 Distributed and Open Learning, I will be responding to the prompt below:

How can teachers effectively build relationships by encouraging safe communication and interactions in K-12 online & open learning spaces? What did you already know, what do you know now based on the course readings and activities, what do you hope to learn?

When I read this prompt I couldn’t help but reflect on my own experiences as a learner navigating an online learning space. Before taking these online courses this summer, my experiences with virtual classes were not the most positive. While in high school, I attempted to take 3 different courses through the online learning school SIDES – South Island Distance Education School. Unfortunately, I found myself dropping out of the course each time mainly due to a lack of motivation to complete the course material. I, and my parents, found this extremely strange as I never had this problem with face to face classes. The reason for this lack of interest was due to the nature of the courses offered at SIDES. The courses were to be done at the learners own pace and offered no opportunities to connect with other learners. The lack of authentic connection with both the instructor and the other students contributed to me dropping out of the courses each and every time.

South Island Distance Education School
Image retrieved from

As Garrett Dickers (2018) states in her paper Social Interaction in K-12 Online Learning, social connection is crucial to a successful learning experience as it aids students’ achievement and contributes to the students’ satisfaction of the class.

In order to meet the social needs of students, Garrett Dickers (2018) outlines the five aspects on the Social Presence Model. This model demonstrates the aspects that are necessary in creating an effective social learning environment.

Integrating the Social Presence Model to Maximize Blended and ...
Image retrieved from

My pod member, Brittany Johnson, made a fantastic graphic by adding on citations from the Garrett Dickers reading to the image above. I highly recommend you check it out on her blog! I can be viewed by clicking here.

Below I have linked a video lesson that does a great job explaining the Social Presence Model in a more broader sense

The Theory of Social Presence – Video & Lesson Transcript |

On the topic of safety on online and open learning space, before examining the Regan, P., & Jesse, J. (2019) reading, I just knew to avoid learning platforms that were hosted outside of Canada. But, I didn’t truly know why this was important. This reading made me realize that “safety” online is no longer related to just cyber predators and harassment, but data safety and what that means for the individual. I found the question of ethics extremely interesting as it removes this subject from the legal realm and makes it assemble for all to discuss.

Moving forward with this course, I would like to learn more ways to build connections with my students online in a safe way. I found the Zoom meeting with Dr. Brown immensely helpful in providing a variety of resources, but I would like to see some more locally hosted options aswell.


Garrett Dickers, A. (2018) Social Interaction in K-12 Online Learning. In R. Ferdig & K. Kennedy (Eds.), Handbook of research on K-12 online and blended learning (pp. 509-522 ). Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University ETC Press.

Regan, P., & Jesse, J. (2019). Ethical challenges of edtech, big data and personalized learning: Twenty-first century student sorting and tracking. Ethics and Information Technology, 21(3), 167-179. DOI: 10.1007/s10676-018-9492-2

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